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First virtual trade fair & exhibition for Central and South-Eastern European architecture offices

Showcase your studio at the first virtual trade fair & exhibition for Central and South-Eastern European architecture offices
First virtual trade fair & exhibition for Central and South-Eastern European architecture offices

An event created to provide an opportunity for architects to present their work and studio, and for investors to find the right architect for their project.

The concept of SHARE Architects Days was created based on the surprising results of the study conducted by SHARE Architects on the degree of knowledge of the role of the architects and how to choose one, based on a sample of potential beneficiaries of architectural services in Central and Eastern Europe.

At the same time, we believe that there is an unused potential of expression in the architectural profession in the Central and South-Eastern European region and that architects could benefit from more representativeness on a European and global level, achieved through proper means of communication and networking. Based on these premises, we have launched SHARE Architects Days where we aim to virtually bring together a large part of the architecture offices from Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia - Herzegovina, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, North Macedonia, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, and Romania.

Register now

How does it work?

Your architecture office will prepare a virtual booth at which it will present projects from the portfolio but also the operational capacity and the team. During the four days of the event, the staff assigned to the virtual stand will be able to make video calls with visitors. Each day of the event will begin with a networking table session that will allow you to break the ice and begin connections that can carry on during and after the rest of the event.

The schedule of the event is completed by a complex program of Tech talks and panel discussions on topics: the business of architecture and the specific topic of the day.

Do you want to find out more?

The package of services for the virtual stand is presented here. It can be purchased online at this link or by direct request at share@abplusevents.com.

For more information about SHARE Architects Days, we also invite you to reserve your place for one of the online Q&A sessions (30' brief presentation of the event) here.

Ai o întrebare despre acest subiect? Scrie-o aici!

Ataseaza fisiere
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