Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell

Limba: Romana
16 afisari
Tip documentatie: Catalog, brosura
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Pagina 1-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana fermacell
Flooring Systems
Planning and...
Pagina 2-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana ith a European Technical Approval

work with...
Pagina 3-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana g it an environmentally sound

tional wet...
Pagina 4-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana view of
areas of application

Pagina 5-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana any time.





Pagina 6-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana Easy installation
n Swift working process...
Pagina 7-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana r and levelling required.

tion (thus, no...
Pagina 8-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana of


Practical advantage:

Pagina 9-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana Useable floors in internal and

Pagina 10-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana s and Lounges, Cafes
and Restaurants (C11)*,...
Pagina 11-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana ,0


Museum Floors and Galleries for...
Pagina 12-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana erating Theatres, X-ray rooms, Utility Rooms...
Pagina 13-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana , hallways, aisles etc.. (foot traffic only)...
Pagina 14-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana 11

2 E 22

2 E 31
(2 E 33)

Powerpanel H2O
Pagina 15-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana page 27).
** If the non-laminated fermacell ...
Pagina 16-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana .2



n For Example: Rooms in...
Pagina 17-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana t/additional insulation
Polystyrene hard...
Pagina 18-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana unal dining
rooms, lounges, cafes and...
Pagina 19-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana  150 kPa2)

max. 70 mm

Pagina 20-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana Gypsum Fibre- H2O board
board + 10 mm
Pagina 21-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana e hard foam EPS DEO 200 kPa2) max. 100 mm...
Pagina 22-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana with
heavy machinery
n Areas in churches,...
Pagina 23-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana ction of up to 5 % should
be allowed for.
Pagina 24-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana pped by a

the relevant British Standard for...
Pagina 25-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana strictive,

fermacell Flooring Elements lay ...
Pagina 26-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana y recessed

50 mm can also be created using
Pagina 27-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana h

stored flat on a structrally sound, level...
Pagina 28-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana y above 70 %.

0.2mm thickness, or similar, ...
Pagina 29-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana east 24 hours.

prevented by using the...
Pagina 30-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana adhesion. Loose substrates must

30 minutes....
Pagina 31-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana s dried.

Mix in clean container:
6.5 l...
Pagina 32-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana s suitable for

N.B. Allow for compaction of...
Pagina 33-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana reas of use

of fermacell Levelling Compound...
Pagina 34-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana d between the haunches/dams

through cracks ...
Pagina 35-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana  stone step boards should
be used, e.g....
Pagina 36-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana panel H2O Flooring

and substances that...
Pagina 37-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana  compound is an
ideal addition to the...
Pagina 38-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana d Levelling

directly applied.

An approx....
Pagina 39-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana ould be taken to avoid

Pagina 40-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana  following

through knotholes or cracks.
Pagina 41-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana  up and increase the

polystyrene, on wooden...
Pagina 42-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana th fermacell Honeycomb Infill.
n A further...
Pagina 43-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana ith regard to use in

plates. The Flooring...
Pagina 44-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana 0.14

Application recommendations

– Hot...
Pagina 45-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana 

e.g. by furniture or other heat insulating...
Pagina 46-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana ing plate
Underfloor heating system
Pagina 47-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana s are being

Differing insulation material...
Pagina 48-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana mineral wool
insulation board and the...
Pagina 49-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana 
insulation (check point load) insulation...
Pagina 50-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana  so that the fermacell

The flooring...
Pagina 51-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana he

Ensure that the perimeter...
Pagina 52-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana shing the

3 Lay the fermacell Flooring...
Pagina 53-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana 150 mm for Powerpanel H2O Flooring
Elements ...
Pagina 54-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana a normal indoor
climate 20 °C and 65 %...
Pagina 55-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana int edges.
n for installing with greeline...
Pagina 56-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana nts
are achieved.


Shiplap Joint...
Pagina 57-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana must be mirrored through both the

They are ...
Pagina 58-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana is protection can take the form of a...
Pagina 59-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana -hung WCs
n on ceilings in bathrooms for...
Pagina 60-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana eas)
Edge junctions, movement joints and...
Pagina 61-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana lexible Tile Adhesive
(thin-bed mortar) or...
Pagina 62-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana m as
shown in the details below.
Pagina 63-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana ng construction relevant to the

must not be...
Pagina 64-Șape uscate Fermacell Fermcell Catalog, brosura Romana ents for fermacell
Flooring Elements


ents for fermacell Flooring Elements 35 6.2 Carpeting, PVC, cork and other floor coverings n When laying self-adhesive carpet For thin floor coverings (carpet, PVC, The self levelling compound must be tiles and waterpermeable floor etc.) in broadloom or tile form the completely dry before proceeding with coverings, the use of a suitable entire floor surface should be treated the next stage of the work. The drying primer is recommended. with a suitable self levelling feather times specified by the manufacturer screed. These feather screeds should must be observed. n Carpeting should be secured with double-sided adhesive tape. n If a carpet is to be bonded to over the be suitable for use with a gypsum based board. These are applied in liquid form, In the case of thicker carpeting materi- entire area of the floor, we recom- drying to form a perfectly flat, level al, it is normally sufficient to apply a thin mend the use of a peel-off adhesive surface. This is to ... ascunde
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