ing and smoothing
large areas, the allowed maximum
thickness is 5 mm. In this case, the surface
is ready for installing any kind of coverings
after min. 4 hours.
Planipatch Fast Track hardens without
shrinking or cracking and reaches a very
high level of mechanical strength and
resistance to impact and abrasion.
Substrates skimmed or smoothed over
with Planipatch Fast Track have a very
smooth, fine textured finish particularly
suitable for resilient floor coverings.
Planipatch Fast Track is harmless to the
health of the installer and the end-user
and provides the lowest possible level of
emissions, since it’s certified EMICODE
EC1 R Plus (very low emission) from
GEV and marked with the “Blauer Engel”
according to RAL-UZ 113.
• Do not mix the product with more than the
recommended amount of water and do
not add water once it has started to set.
• Do not add lime, cement or gypsum
to the mix.
• Do not use on external surfaces.
• Do not use on substrates ... ascunde
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