WI with running wheels
WI with running wheels
Intended use: The WI 120 and WI 200 gates are perfect for
all types of private and industrial business activity areas.
The manually-operated and
power-operated WI gates
were awarded the CE mark,
which confirms their compliance with the provisions of
the PN-EN 13241-1 standard
for industrial and residential
The WI 120 and the WI 200
gate with running wheels is
a structure seated on steel
wheels. The leaf moves along
the running track fixed to the
The WI gates are protected
against corrosion by hot-dip
galvanizing or by a combination of hot-dip galvanizing
and coating with polyester
paint. The Duplex products
are covered by our 5-year
corrosion protection guarantee.
The WI gates
with running
wheels are part of a system of
access control components.
Combined with industrial
segments (OPO201, OPO251,
OPZ252, OPZH253), mesh
panels (Vega B, Vega B Li ... ascunde
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