Revolving door systems
TSA 325 NT
GEZE revolving door drive TSA 325 NT GG
All-glass system for maximum transparency
Revolving door systems with the GEZE all-glass system offer maximum transparency. Here, the entire drive and control technology is concealed
in the floor. The high-quality surface of the rounded-edge aluminium profiles which are reduced to a minimum imply discreet elegance. The
drum walls of the all-glass revolving doors are made of curved laminated safety glass (VSG) and only the glass edges have slim cover profiles.
The door leaves consist of fine-framed toughened safety glass (ESG) and two half-shells of heat strengthened glass (TVG) form the roof that is
fixed by single point fixings made of stainless steel. GEZE realises individual, building-related revolving door solutions using the all-glass system
in the standard variant width. Door systems with three and four leaves with clear passage heights of up to 3000 mm and freely selectable
diameters of 1 ... ascunde
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