Multumesc pentru raspuns. Urmeaza sa consult standardele de siguranta pentru a ma edifica pe deplin asupra cerintelor referitoare la rafturile mai sus mentionate si daca aceste standarde se aplica la orice tipuri de rafturi ( industriale)
Felicitari pentru certificatele care atesta conformarea sistemelor de management al calitatii, protectiei mediului, sanatatii si securitatii in munca, existente in societatea dvs., cu cerintele standardelor ISO 9001 , ISO 14001 si OHSAS 18001.
Nu stiu insa ce inseamna certificarile de siguranta si calitate specifice: SEMA, GS, RAL, KEMA, MPA, VDE, CE, IEC etc.
Multumesc, si va doresc o zi buna,
S. Popescu
scris de
Rares Balan la data 04 Apr 2012, 12:30 soluţie
Este in principal vorba de standarde de siguranta si calitate valabile in Marea Britanie sau Germania, precum si standarde care se refera la sistemele de rafturi care contin elemente electronice:
SEMA - British Trade Association of the Storage Equipment Industry (echivalentul britanic al FEM)
GS - The Geprüfte Sicherheit is a voluntary certification mark for technical equipment. It indicates that the equipment meets German and, if available, European safety requirements for such devices.
RAL - The RAL quality certification is awarded by the Deutsches Institut für Gütesicherung und Kennzeichnung e.V. and certifies services and products which conform to high quality criteria.
KEMA - KEMA is an international, knowledge intensive organization, active in the fields of Electric Energy Systems, Environmental Technology and Management, Sustainable Energy and Information Technology. KEMA's competence extends to areas of quality control in relation to product and management system certification.
MPA - MPA NRW has initiated a Quality Management System that covers all requirements of the legal regulations and quality specifications.
VDE - The German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies of DIN and VDE (DKE) develops standards and safety regulations for the fields of electrical engineering, electronics and information technology.
CE - The CE marking is a mandatory conformity mark for products placed on the market in the European Economic Area (EEA). With the CE marking on a product the manufacturer ensures that the product conforms with the essential requirements of the applicable EC directives.
IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission, an international standards organisation dealing with electrical, electronic and related technologies.