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IFD FAKRO Ski World Cup 10-13.02.2011

IFD FAKRO Ski World Cup 10-13.02.2011

Roofers-skiers competed on the slope of Jaworzyna Krynicka for the second time.

Slovaks, Poles and Frenchmen turned out to be the winners of the 2nd IFD FAKRO Ski World Cup. FAKRO company - number two worldwide on the roof window market, for the next time, was the organizer of the competition. Almost 40 amateur skiers, from seven European countries, representatives of the International Federation for the Roofing Trade IFD, competed on the slopes of picturesquely set Jaworzyna Krynicka in the Beskidy mountain range.

It was a great and noble rivalry with a lot of fun - admitted the participants from Slovakia, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Romania, England and Poland.

The senior President IFD, Gordon Pennrose also praised the organizers.

FAKRO company acted beyond reproach in every aspect. Although, I did not take part in the championships, I supported the representatives of my country. It was a great sports rivalry. My heart was enchanted by the hospitality of Polish hosts.

Ryszard Florek stresses that IFD FAKRO Ski World Cup is not only an opportunity for sports rivalry of the roofing professionals.
It is also an opportunity for discussion and exchanging the experiences with the professionals related to roofing industry. Thanks to the championships, representatives of the International Federation for the Roofing Trade, as well as the journalist from Hungary, Slovakia, France and Poland, had a chance to visit the company.


Visiting FAKRO facilities was one of the major points of the program. Foreign visitors did not hide their admiration for the roof window manufacturing process involving the use of modern technological solutions, as well as the presentation of the FAKRO products in 3D.

Next, 3rd IFD FAKRO Ski World Cup is going to be organized next year. Of course, on the slopes of Jaworzyna Krynicka. Because today, no one can imagine that roofers-skiers would meet in other place.


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