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Neuroarhitectura - ultima frontiera intre creier si mediu. In Zeppelin #112 / martie
Starh: Lumea din turn
Foto / Photo: Cosmin Dragomir
Locuinta proiectata de Starh pe un lot minuscul este ermetica si fermecatoare, riguroasa si complexa, inovativa si confortabila.
The World Inside the Tower
A house designed by Starh on a tiny plot in Bucharest is hermetic and charming, rigorous and complex, innovative and cosy.
Cannatà & Fernandes: Laboratorul-peisaj, o transformare lipsita de ambiguitati
Foto / Photo: Luís Ferreira Alves
Trei scoli pentru comunitatile de beduini dintr-o zona a Orientului mijlociu: Abu-Hindi, Al Khan Al Ahmar si Um al Nasser. Ecoregionalism, arhitectura sustenabila si expresiva, realizata cu mijloace constructive minimale si resurse locale: pamant, anvelope reciclate, bambus, tabla, paie si lemn.
Landscape Laboratory, a Conversion without Ambiguities
Three schools built for the Bedouin communities located in a Middle East: Abu-Hindi, Al Khan Al Ahmar si Um al Nasser. Ecoregionalism, a sustainable and expressive architecture that uses minimum construction materials and local resources: earth, recycled tires, bamboo, metal sheet, straw and wood.
A.LT architekti: Locuind cu amintirea unui context vernacular
Foto / Photo: Tomas Rasl
O casa individuala din Orava, in Slovacia, isi gaseste discret locul in peisaj, evocând aspecte locale vernaculare, dar fara sa apeleze la pastise si copieri necritice.
Living with the Memory of a Vernacular Background
An individual house in Orava, Slovakia, finds discreetly its place in the landscape, suggesting local vernacular elements, yet without turning to pastiches or non-critical copying.
Autostrazi inteligente
Credite foto/ Illustration: Daan Roosegaarde design & Heijmans
Regandirea modului de concepere a autostrazilor marcheaza o noua faza a modernitatii. Pentru Studio Roosegaarde & Heijmans aceasta inseamna siguranta, sustenabilitate si experienta. Pentru ONL [Oosterhuis_Lénárd], barierele fonice articuleaza si integreaza peisajul urban din spatele lor.
Smart Highways
Rethinking highways marks a new phase of modernity. For Studio Roosegaarde & Heijmans this means safety, sustainability and experience. For ONL [Oosterhuis_Lénárd], sound barriers articulate and integrate urban landscape behind.
Ana Iorga, Ioana Calen (Buyer Brain): Neuroarhitectura, ultima frontiera intre creier si mediu
Neurostiintele aduc promisiunea unor spatii care sa contribuie, intr-un sens pozitiv, la configurarea starilor, emotiilor si dispozitiilor locuitorilor.
Neuroarchitecture, the Ultimate Frontier between Brain and Environment
Neurosciences bring the promise of spaces to contribute, positively speaking, to the configuration of tempers, emotions and feelings of locals.
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