hesion to bitumen membranes
proceed as follows. Clean the bitumen membrane to
remove any substance or material that could affect
adhesion of the waterproofing system. The membrane must
be perfectly dry inspect the surface and any damage to the
membrane, such as blisters, tears or detached areas, must
be repaired before applying the primer.
Preparation and application of the product
Primer P3 is a polyurethane primer made up of two
pre-dosed components. To prepare the product, mix each
of the two components for a few minutes and then pour
component B into the container of component A.
Mix the two components together with an electric mixer at
low-speed to thoroughly blend them together (at least 3-4
To reduce overlaying times for the product to around
4 hours add 1% in weight of PU Catalyst (catalyst for
polyurethane products) and mix for several minutes.
Apply an even coat of Primer P3 with a brush, roller or
by spray (for application by spray, bear in mind the short
pot-life ... ascunde
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