lose sponge (MAPEI sponge, for example), taking care to avoid removing grout from the joints. The sponge must be saturated with water when cleaning finishes. The residual liquid may be removed with the same sponge, which must be replaced when it becomes too impregnated with resin, and the same technique may be used when finishing off the grouted joints. After the finishing operation, it is very important that no traces of Kerapoxy CQ remain on the surface. Once hardened, it is very difficult to remove. Therefore, rinse the sponge often with clean water during cleaning. In the case of very large floor surfaces, finishing may be carried out by wetting the surface and using a single-head rotary machine with special abrasive felt disks such as Scotch-Brite®. Residual liquid may be drawn off using a rubber squeegee. Kerapoxy Cleaner (special cleaning solution for epoxy grout) may also be used for the final cleaning cycle and may also be used to remove thin residues of grout up to several h ... ascunde
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