Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE

Limba: Engleza
13 afisari
Tip documentatie: Catalog, brosura
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Pagina 1-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza Software for Architecture,...
Pagina 2-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza .................................
Pagina 3-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza se and survey points ............
Pagina 4-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza .................................
Pagina 5-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza ams.
This communication is...
Pagina 6-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza he
second interaction is very ...
Pagina 7-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza ructure
At CYPE we work so...
Pagina 8-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza  attributes and dependencies...
Pagina 9-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza ile is assigned a MODEL VIEW...
Pagina 10-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza  corresponding IFC class and...
Pagina 11-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza ou model within Revit....
Pagina 12-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza  model is the best way to...
Pagina 13-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza ransfer your Revit model to a ...
Pagina 14-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza s IFC exporter, developed by...
Pagina 15-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza be able to link the IFCs
that ...
Pagina 16-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza viewer,
available on BIMserver...
Pagina 17-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza ble that determines the...
Pagina 18-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza mal analysis as well as the...
Pagina 19-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza ned to work with only one...
Pagina 20-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza sure their export and accurate...
Pagina 21-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza e IfcSpace will
ignore its...
Pagina 22-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza raints for slabs and roofs,...
Pagina 23-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza utodesk.

Pagina 24-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza ER.


It is recommended to ...
Pagina 25-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza , avoiding gaps as much as...
Pagina 26-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza  on Modify > Link >
The ...
Pagina 27-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza l files. However, issues can...
Pagina 28-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza s
collaboratively working in...
Pagina 29-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza  is
one of the biggest...
Pagina 30-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza at we don’t need, and to...
Pagina 31-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza ulation and
Pagina 32-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza l the concrete elements in DWG...
Pagina 33-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza BIM workflow,
extend the...
Pagina 34-Ghid de interoperabilitate CYPE - REVIT CYPE Catalog, brosura Engleza  spaces
with their respective ...
spaces with their respective IFC Classes in order to be able to calculate the corresponding installation. Once the calculations have been carried out, they will be updated in, where you can continue developing the project alone or collaborate with other users, or consolidate the information back into Revit. CYPE-Revit Interoperability Guide / 25 7 Energy calculation 7.1 Spaces Revit spaces are also exportable entities to IfcSpace, so you can work with both rooms and spaces in Revit and achieve their export to IFC in the same way. In any case, if both entities exist in the project it must be ensured that there is no overlap in the exported IFC; that is to say, the mapping sheet must be configured so that the spaces are not exported. To do this, go to File > Export > Options > IFC Options, and write “not exported” in the boxes referring to the spaces. CYPE-Revit Interoperability Guide / 26 7.2 Curtain walls For curtain walls, everything described for norma ... ascunde

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