Limba: Engleza
44 afisari
Tip documentatie: Fisa tehnica
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Pagina 1-Țevi PP-R  SDR 6 VALROM Fisa tehnica Engleza DATA SHEET
PP-R pipes

1. Field of use
The PP-R pipes ...
Pagina 2-Țevi PP-R  SDR 6 VALROM Fisa tehnica Engleza eserves its rights to modify the present datasheet...
Pagina 3-Țevi PP-R  SDR 6 VALROM Fisa tehnica Engleza , Brand name : Valrom RandomKIT
 Country of origin:...
Pagina 4-Țevi PP-R  SDR 6 VALROM Fisa tehnica Engleza a-UNI KIP-094128

VALROM INDUSTRIE SRL. reserves its...
Pagina 5-Țevi PP-R  SDR 6 VALROM Fisa tehnica Engleza  years of warranty based on the invoice, with the...
years of warranty based on the invoice, with the condition of respecting the instruction regarding transport, handling, storage and mounting. Life service: 50 years 5. Installation The installation has to be made after a rigorous evaluation of the plan of the plumbing/heating system, thermal dilatation calculation (the position and the dimensions of the expansion compensators) and pipe fastenings.   The jointing between pipes and fittings is made by welding them together using a fusion welder. This acts in the points which come into contact, usually the external surface of pipe and the internal one of the fittings. Special equipment is necessary: a fusion welding machine and some tools. Please refer to the manufacturer’s welding machines instructions and the safety regulations. Operating sequences are the following: 5.1 Preparing the welding machine: Fit the welding machine with the heating adapters of the diameters to be processed. The heating adapters must be clean and i ... ascunde

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