ng the render
Hydrowashing the
Preparation of the substrate
Completely remove all the render using
hand or power tools to a height of approx.
50 cm above the damaged render, and
in all cases to a height of at least twice
the thickness of the wall. Remove all
traces of loose or crumbling material,
dust, mould and any other substance
or material that could affect the bond of
the PoroMap Rinzaffo and PoroMap
Intonaco de-humidifying cycle until the
substrate is clean, sound and compact.
Clean the masonry with low-pressure water
jets to remove any efflorescence or soluble
salts present on the surface. Repeat this
operation several times if necessary.
Repair any gaps and uneven areas in the
masonry by patching or tacking them
using stone, bricks or tuff with similar
characteristics to the original material.
Saturate the substrate with water to
prevent it drawing off water from the
mortar and compromising its final
performance characteristics. Excess water
must ... ascunde
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