Evenimentele EE & RE si Smart Cities 2016: continut interesant si lansari de produse noi

Europa de Sud-Est este o regiune unde se pot implementa numeroase tehnologii pentru a imbunatati competitivitatea economiei locale, prin sporirea eficientei in gestionarea resurselor. Dezvoltarea sustenabila regionala reprezinta scopul principal al conferintelor EE & RE (eficienta energetica si regenerabilitate) si Smart Cities (“orasele inteligente”). Evenimentele vor avea loc in perioada 5 -7 aprilie 2016, in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Companiile participante, din peste 10 tari, vor avea in vedere gasirea unor noi distribuitori si lansarea de noi produse de profil. Printre acestea se numara Ambitermo, Martin, Polytechnik Schmack Biogas, Costruzioni Nazzareno S.r.l., HERZ Energietechnik, Eltrak Bulgaria, Metecno, Vilmat, etc. Vor fi, de asemenea, realizate atat o Prezentare de Grup din partea companiilor italiene, cat si un Pavilion al celor din Austria.
Expozantii vor prezenta instalatii de biogaz, instalatii de combustie a biomasei, atat pentru productia de energie cat si pentru productia de caldura, echipamente de productie energetica prin peleti de lemn si sisteme pentru energia obtinuta din deseuri. Printre exponate se vor numara si sisteme fotovoltaice, turbine si invertoare eoliene mici, pompe de caldura geotermale, tehnologii de cogenerare si panouri solare. O premiera importanta pentru Bulgaria va fi prezentarea unei tehnologii hibrid de stocare a energiei de la sisteme fotovoltaice si eoliene, stabilizand astfel aprovizionarea cu energie.
Vizitatorii se vor putea bucura si de prezentarea unor sisteme inteligente pentru locuinte, birouri si hoteluri, de prezentarea unor solutii pentru eficienta energetica a iluminatului, etc.
Prezenta numerosilor speakeri internationali, precum si tematicile practice care vor fi dezbatute, vor garanta un schimb impresionant cunostinte in cadrul ambelor conferinte, EE & RE - 5 aprilie, si Smart Cities - 6 aprilie. Sesiunea intitulata “Euroheat and Power” va fi dedicata ultimelor dezvoltari din domeniul termoficarii. Dr. Juliet Newson, Presedintele Asociatiei Geotermale Internationale, va exemplifica beneficiile incalzirii geotermale prezentand cazul de succes al Noii Zeelande. Oliver Loebel, din cadrul PU Europe, va furniza cunostinte noi despre trend-urile de actualitate din domeniul caselor pasive.
Dr. Christine Lemaitre, CEO al Consiliului German pentru Sustenabilitatea Cladirilor, va incerca sa raspunda unei intrebari esentiale: “Cum putem masura sustenabilitatea?”. Expertul Institului European pentru Performanta Cladirilor va prezenta Proiectul CommONEnergy.
Dintre participanti, cei implicati in problemele de urbanistica vor putea afla despre noile perspective prevazute pentru municipalitatile bulgare, de la Kristina Dely - Conventia Primarilor. Nuria de Lama - Big Data Value Association – va evidentia noile aplicatii online ce vor putea fi folosite pentru mediile urbane, transporturi si logistica. Sesiunea prezentata de Innovation Norway va prezenta oportunitatile pentru inovatiile “verzi”, si va promova cateva solutii care s-au dovedit de succes.
Ministerul Transporturilor, Tehnologiei Informatiei si Comunicatiilor a anuntat ca in Bulgaria deja exista cateva proiecte in desfasurare, ceea ce sugereaza un potential crescut de implementare al conceptului oraselor inteligente. Cei doi experti veniti din partea ministerului vor expune politica nationala de implementare, punand accent pe ariile in care vor fi facute investitii pana in anul 2020. Reprezentantii municipalitatilor din Sofia si Burgas vor prezenta proiectele de orase inteligente care deja au fost finalizate.
Dr. Ralph Gambetta, din partea Calypso Networks Association, va vorbi despre cum se pot crea sisteme de transport inteligente. “Ne asteptam la o dezvoltare importanta a sectorului IT din Sud-Estul Europei.”, a spus acesta. “Asimilarea rapida a noilor tehnologii dezvoltate peste hotare si numeroasele succese locale de furnizare a serviciilor IT asigura progresul in aceasta parte a Europei.”, a concluzionat Dr. Gambetta.
EE & RE Smart Cities
+359 32 512 900
EE & RE & Smart Cities 2016: content-rich program and new product premieres
South-East Europe is a region where a number of technologies can be implemented in order to improve the local economy competitiveness through the resource efficiency enhancement. The regional sustainable development is in the focus of EE & RE (energy efficiency & renewables) and Smart Cities. The event will be held from 5 to 7 April 2016 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Finding distributors and launching new products are the main aim for exhibiting companies from 10 countries, share the organizers from Via Expo. Among them are Ambitermo, Martin, Polytechnik Schmack Biogas, Costruzioni Nazzareno S.r.l., HERZ Energietechnik, Eltrak Bulgaria, Metecno, Vilmat, etc. An Italian Group Participation and an Austrian Pavilion will be realized.
The exhibitors will showcase biogas plants, turnkey biomass combustion plants for combined heat and power generation, wood pellet production equipment and waste-to-energy systems. Photovoltaics, small wind turbines and inverters, geothermal heat pumps, cogeneration technologies, insolation panels will be among the exhibits, too. A product premiere in Bulgaria will be a hybrid technology for storing energy from photovoltaic and wind power stations stabilizing the power supply.
Smart systems for home, office and hotel facilities, energy efficient lighting, etc. will catch also the visitors’ interest.
A strong international presence of speakers and practice-oriented topics will ensure great knowledge exchange at both conferences EE & RE (5 April) and Smart Cities (6 April). The Euroheat & Power session will be devoted to the latest developments in district heating. Dr. Juliet Newson, President of the International Geothermal Association will present the New Zealand experience in direct use of geothermal heat. Oliver Loebel from PU Europe will provide current insights into trends in passive houses.
How to make sustainability measurable? The answer will be given by Dr. Christine Lemaitre, CEO of the German Sustainable Building Council. The expert from the Buildings Performance Institute Europe will introduce CommONEnergy Project.
The attendees involved in intelligent urban issues will learn about the new perspectives for the Bulgarian municipalities, presented by Kristina Dely from the Covenant of Mayors. Nuria de Lama from the Big Data Value Association will highlight the future internet applications for cities, transport and logistics. Innovation Norway session will reveal the opportunities of green innovations and promote some successful solutions.
According to the Bulgarian Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications a number of projects in the country are underway, which shows great potential for the smart cities concept implementation. Both experts from the Ministry will lay down the national policy and will put an accent on the fields where investments will be made till 2020. Representatives of the Bulgarian municipalities of Sofia and Burgas will present realized smart cities projects.
Dr. Ralph Gambetta from the Calypso Networks Association will speak about how to create intelligent transport systems. ‘We expect an overall strong development of the IT sector in SE Europe.’ – he said. ‘The combination of the rapid adoption of foreign technologies and many local champions that provide IT systems contribute for the progress in this part of Europe’ – Dr. Gambetta concluded.
EE & RE Smart Cities
+359 32 512 900