Solutii pentru economisirea energiei in mediul urban, in cadrul evenimentelor EE & RE si Smart Cities 2016
Dezvoltarea sustenabila a oraselor si a sistemelor energetice reprezinta un scop prioritar in regiunea Europei de Sud-Est. EE & RE (eficienta energetica si regenerabilitate) si Smart Cities (“orasele inteligente”) sunt astfel doua evenimente binevenite ce, respectand formatul expoconferintelor, raspund provocarilor curente si ofera antreprenorilor locali solutii noi pentru obtinerea energiei regenerabile si pentru economisirea resurselor. Organizatorul, Via Expo, anunta participarea unor expozanti si speakeri din 12 tari.
Se va pune accentul pe bioenergie. Europa de Sud-Est este o regiune de mare interes pentru investitori datorita bunei dezvoltari a agriculturii, mediului forestier si industriei lemnului. Companii de top vor prezenta instalatii de biogaz si instalatii de combustie a biomasei, sisteme fotovoltaice pentru integrarea cladirilor, utilaje de stocare a energiei si echipamente tip HVAC pentru stocarea energiei, etc.
Smart Cities
Expozantii vor prezenta solutii pentru automatizarea cladirilor in ceea ce priveste reducerea consumului energetic si reducerea costurilor de operare. Vor fi expuse atat surse de iluminat cu LED, cat si alte componente ale caselor pasive si eficiente energetic: sisteme de ventilatie cu recuperare de pana la 95% a caldurii, izolatie sub vid si sisteme de etansare. Vizitatorii vor putea vedea sisteme wireless de gestionare a traficului si parcarilor si produse destinate managementului flotelor auto. In plus, vizitatorii vor putea vedea atat vehicule electrice, cat si statii de reincarcare.
Este de remarcat faptul ca va fi expus, pentru prima data, o prezentare virtuala a situatiei consumului energetic, mediului inconjurator si climatului din municipalitatile bulgare.
Parerea unora dintre speakeri
- Mesajul lui Oliver Loebel (PU Europe) este ca trebuie sa ne folosim cunostintele si tehnologia pentru a putea construi cladiri ce vor rezista mult timp in viitor.
- Dr. Juliet Newson, Presedinte al Asociatiei Geotermale Internationale, sustine ca sunt multe oportunitati disponibile pentru utilizarea energiei geotermale in Bulgaria.
- Ralph Gambetta – Calypso Networks Association – este de parere ca exista conditii foarte bune de dezvoltare a sectorului IT in Bulgaria.
De asemenea, participantii la expoconferinte vor putea invata despre Directivele Europene si despre legislatia nationala; case pasive si case “verzi”; izolatie; incalzirea districtuala; energia geotermala; viitorul arhitecturii urbane; politicile nationale ce vizeaza sectorul IT; sistemele inteligente de transport, etc.
Program EE & RE Program Smart Cities
Inscriere online pentru conferinta
+359 32 512 900
Energy saving and urban solutions at EE & RE and Smart Cities 2016
The sustainable development of energy systems and cities is among the main priorities in South-East Europe. EE & RE (energy efficiency & renewables) and Smart Cities are a timely event in ‘exhibition-conference’ format. It responds to the current challenges and provides local key players with new solutions for renewable energy production and resource savings. The organizer Via Expo announces that exhibitors and speakers from 12 countries will take part.
The Exhibitions
The focus will be on bioenergy. SE Europe attracts investors due to the well-developed agriculture, forestry and wood industry. Leading companies will display biogas and biomass plants, photovoltaic systems for building integration, energy storage devices and energy saving HVAC equipment, industry cogeneration installations, etc.
Smart Cities
Exhibitors will promote solutions for building automation that reduce energy and operating costs. They will showcase also LED lights, components for passive and low-energy houses: ventilations systems with heat recovery up to 95 %, vacuum insolation and airtightness systems. Visitors will be acquainted with fleet management tracking products and wireless integration solutions for traffic and parking control. They will see also electric vehicles and charging stations.
For the first time a virtual observatory for energy, environment and climate for the municipalities will be exhibited.
Some Speakers’ Points of View:
- A message of Oliver Loebel from PU Europe is that we have to use knowledge and technology for the construction of future-proof buildings.
- According to Dr. Juliet Newson, President of the International Geothermal Association, there is a window of opportunities for geothermal energy in Bulgaria.
- Ralph Gambetta from the Calypso Networks Association considers that the conditions for intensive development of the IT sector are favorable.
Attendees will learn about the European Directives and National Legislation; Passive and Green Houses; Insolation; District Heating; Geothermal Energy; Architectural Future of the Cities; National Policy in IT Sector; Intelligent Transport Systems, etc.
Program EE & RE Program Smart Cities
Conference online registration
+359 32 512 900